Stoner thought of The Day

​It must be even more confusing to be Transgender or interact with someone in transition in Spanish speaking countries. You’d have to not only worry about pro-nouns, but you’d have to change almost EVERY VERB AND ADJECTIVE I remember a bitch in Mexico flipped out on me because I used the female form when talking […]

Wait…. what?

Originally written: just now, in conversation “Three things: 1-  I am stoned as FUCK 2- We put the flea treatments on the dogs today 3- shit, I forgot. See number one.” I wasn’t being funny, I legit had a third thing when I started the list. Just sayin.

Acronyms for Lazy Folk

​Sequin coated pants are NOT cool for hanging around the house just chillen. They are stabby. Which is basically the polar opposite of comfy. I’m not saying don’t wear em out, just change when you get home. NSFL: Not Safe For Lounging